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To the Cuckoo by William Wordsworth

To the Cuckoo
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O blithe newcomer! I have heard,
I here thee and rejoice:
O Cuckoo! Shall I call you the bird,
or but a wandering voice?
Well I am lying on the Grass
thy twofold shout I hear;
from hill to hill it seems to pass,
At once far off and near.
Though babbling only to the vale
Of sunshine and flowers,
Thou bringest unto me a tale
Of visionary hours.
Thrice welcome, darling of the spring!
Even yet thou art to me
No but, but an invisible thing,
a voice, a mystery;
The same whom in my schoolboy days
I listen to; that cry
which made me look a thousands days
in bush, and tree and sky.
To seek thy I often rove
through woods on the green
and thou wert still a hope, a love
still longed for never seen.
And I can listen to thee yet
can lie upon the plain
and listen, till I do beget 

That golden time again
O blessed birth the earth we pace
again appear to be
an unsubstantial, fairy place
that is fit home for thee.

-William Wordsworth

word meanings :-
Blithe = हंसमुख, पुलकित
Newcomer = अजनबी
Thee = तुमको
Rejoice = आनंद
Wandering = भटकने वाली
Lying = लेटा हुआ
Twofold = दोहरा
Far off = बहुत दुर
Babbling = गपशप करना, नदी की आवाज 
Vale= घाटी
Thou = तुम
Visionary = काल्‍पनिक
Darling = अतिप्रिय
Invisible = अदृश्‍य
Mystery = रहस्‍य 
Bush = झाड़ी 
Seek = तलाश करना
Rove = निरुद्येश्‍य घूमना   
Woods = जंगल
Wert = था
Longed = इंतजार
Beget = पुन: प्राप्‍त करना  
Pace = कदम-कदम चलना 
Unsubstantial =असार, छोटा
Fairy = कल्‍पनातीत, परियों वाला 


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